Sarah Kowenicki

St John's College, Cambridge

St John's College, Cambridge

Surely some of the most beautiful architecture in the world - St John's College, one of Cambridge's University's oldest and biggest colleges, boasts several architectural styles and features. This piece focuses on the neo-Gothic New Court, the edge of red brick Third Court and the world-famous Bridge of Sighs connecting the two over River Cam. A little swan is visible in the foreground, disturbing the water - supposedly, Fellows of St John's are the only people outside the royal family in the United Kingdom allowed to eat unmarked mute swans, although this is both contested and not practised! I studied Modern Languages at St John's so it was a real pleasure to go and and pore over her beautiful settings once again.


St John's College, Cambridge - framed

Medium: Acrylic on artist's paper

Dimensions (unframed):
50x40cm landscape (50.0 × 40.0cm)

Dimensions (framed)
Mounted frame for 50x40cm landscape (62.6 × 52.6cm)
